Thursday, December 10, 2009

Liquid eye liner help?

I have really long lashes. Everytime I attempt to apply liquid eyeliner I can never get close enough to them without it getting all over my lashes. My line never comes out thin and even like I want it to. What should I do?Liquid eye liner help?
Try using Eye Definer Felt-Tip Eye Marker by Physicians Formula. The liquid has the same affect as a liquid eyeliner just tinted tad bit lighter. The marker has a felt tip end that allows precise application. Guaranteed that it won鈥檛 get on your lashes. Another plus is that it鈥檚 cost about seven dollars. Have fun!Liquid eye liner help?
Hold your eyelid taut and start at the OUTER corner instead of the inner corner. Don't worry about the liner getting on your lashes. You can cover it with mascara. Wipe the brush-applicator-dealie that you are applying the liner with, so there is just a tiny bit on it. It's easier to get a smooth straight line if you aren't glopping it on. You can always go over it again if it's too light or too thin of a line.
ok so first apply your mascara first then let it dry so that you can rest your brush on the lashes. use a felt tip brush its the easiest to handle. so dont rest your hand on your cheek because that just limits control so im telling you DONT REST THE HAND!!! .and apply one coat while holding you lid down but pulling the skin up. like hold the lid closed and apply pressure so that the skin kinda raises as if you smooth out invisible wrinkles. then let it dry. hold your lid open and apply the last coat and make it even. hope i helped. :) TIP: BLINK IF YOU HAVE TO BECAUSE IF YOU TRY TO HOLD IT YOU WILL END UP BLINKING AND IT WILL RUIN THE WHOLE JOB. ALSO BLINK A FEW TIMES BEFORE FIRST APPLYING.
well when ever i want something thin and not thick i always get a q-tip and makeup removal and the i just put some on the q-tip and just wipe the part i don't want to make it look thick
i have long eyelashes too. i get liquid eye liner on them too. then i put mascara on and it doesnt really look like theres eye liner on it.
use reguar eye liner not liquid eye liner
Try Covergirl Line Exact pen or a non-liquid eyeliner, like Clinique.
use cream eye liner that helps alot.
pull your eye on the side gently then apply
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